As an aggressive, warmongering state, the Assyrian leadership deemed that they must end this threat through direct confrontation with the young kingdom.
Toniná was an aggressive state in the Late Classic, using warfare to develop a powerful kingdom.
If the gland is loosened, the Schniarfeur resumes its aggressive state.
The next scheduled games in 1940 were awarded to Tokyo even though Japan was becoming an aggressive militaristic, nationalist state.
"This state is going to be the most aggressive business-seeking state in the country."
It was a certain affirmative or aggressive state of the Caucasian races.
Possibly he was tired of retaking the city from the more aggressive Yucateco state.
During much of its history, Lithuania was a warlike and aggressive state.
Because of its history of smog problems, California has long been the most aggressive state on matters of air policy.
Wolves develop an exceptionally severe aggressive state when infected and can bite numerous people in a single attack.