Dukat kept himself in check, resisting the urge to immediately call an alert and begin an aggressive search.
He said this was likely to lead to increased recycling of the chemicals by industry and a more aggressive search for substitute compounds.
The Stilles began an aggressive search for new locations with clientele that would appreciate their pleasant, motivated personnel.
Maybe the building security guards and police officers, busy with their aggressive search of the building, didn't look very hard.
But much more aggressive searches have been deemed reasonable at airports and at the border than elsewhere.
Mr. Brown plans an aggressive search among men and women leaving military service.
In February 2000 the leadership of the church was led to begin an aggressive search for a new location that would provide the necessary room.
These would behave in accordance with the situation - patrolling at first, but launching into a highly aggressive search if the player was detected.
Well-dressed women are often singled out for aggressive searches by some guards, she said.
The police said an aggressive search for the killer was under way.