The growth was due to sending out complete textbooks instead of single lessons, and the use of 1200 aggressive in-person salesmen.
And on a recent Sunday, an aggressive salesman blustered through the door, insisting on pitching an electronics product to the salon owner.
As an aggressive salesman, Gou dropped in unannounced on companies and was able to get additional orders.
Despite poor customer service skills, Casey is nonetheless an effective, if aggressive, salesman, and he is ruthless in dealing with shoplifting.
The aggressive salesmen are notorious at telling anyone whatever they want to hear.
Investors buy these phony investments from aggressive salesmen who usually describe themselves as senior executives of legitimate-sounding firms with Wall Street addresses.
"We'll be the most aggressive salesmen in town!"
"Are you tired of having your quiet family time in the evenings interrupted by phone calls from aggressive salesmen?"
The highly visible director has also been an aggressive salesman of the gallery's merits to prospective donors.
O'Neill was among the city's more aggressive and colorful salesmen and he built a building to match his personality.