Police officials defend the system, saying their aggressive assault against drugs is one reason for New York City's historic drop in crime.
American pop culture since World War II has been one long, aggressive assault on Puritan codes of behavior.
The middle order typically sets the stage for an aggressive assault on the bowling in the final 10 overs of the match.
Lawyers sometimes say that such a lapse can effectively inoculate a defense lawyer from repelling jurors with aggressive assaults on a victim.
Some crime may be down - minor thefts, stuff like that - but shooting, homicides, aggressive assaults are on the upswing.
Kang suggests an aggressive frontal assault, which the Klingons agree to.
The squadron is based on quick and aggressive assaults with infantry squads supported by their CV90 infantry fighting vehicles.
The small black Ku ships ceased their own attack momentarily, darting away to avoid the Federation vessel's aggressive, almost brutal assault.
Our vision was for it to be an in-your-face, no-frills aggressive assault.
Yet modernization is often experienced not as a liberation but as an aggressive assault.