Finley, Kumble had swelled through aggressive acquisitions to become the nation's fourth-largest firm.
Immediately after the promotion was secured, Mäkinen began an aggressive acquisition of star players.
Catherine was a passionate collector, often infuriating Europeans with her aggressive acquisitions of private collections.
Mr. Maxwell's company has been selling assets to try to shave debt it took on during aggressive acquisitions in the 1980's.
The publisher has long been perceived as a force of consolidation within the communications industry with his aggressive, worldwide acquisition of newspapers and television stations.
On the issue of unfair competition, some analysts agree that aggressive acquisitions have been made easier by having less concern for the stock price and shareholders.
He also plans to continue the campaign of aggressive acquisition he has undertaken since his arrival.
The purchases could even result in the opposite - assertions by lawmakers that such aggressive acquisitions raise national security concerns.
But his aggressive acquisitions saddled the company with debt and appeared to many investors to lack a strategic justification.
The loans, due in February 1994, are part of the company's multibillion-dollar debt that was accrued in an earlier period of aggressive acquisitions.