The agency is also sponsoring youth exchange programmes for 400 students from different countries this year; that number should be at least 3,000 in two years' time.
The agency has sponsored some home-based schools, an alternative for girls who were not permitted to attend school under the Taliban.
Meanwhile, federal agencies like the Department of Transportation have also sponsored drug interdiction programs that make similar observations.
The agency also sponsors summer programs for teen-agers.
The agency, a unit of the National Institutes of Health, sponsored the work.
Both agencies have been sponsoring private enterprise that in turn has made financial markets of developing countries more attractive.
Other agencies also sponsor courses that use the facilities.
The agency has sponsored international terrorism in the past and acknowledged that its agents directed the recent murders of leading liberal intellectuals in Teheran.
And we do a listing of various activities and events various agencies are sponsoring.
The agency sponsors the Fulbright scholarship program and oversees foreign exchanges of thousands of other students and academics.