Since 1995, there have been 39 recalls of artificial hips, the agency reports.
No such statement could be found on either the English- or Russian-language versions of the agency report.
Nor, many said, do they believe agency reports stating that property values around group homes remain stable.
Those findings were hinted at in an agency report published in November.
The agency report, monitored in Mexico, said the shots appeared to have been fired from American post 13.
Some personal observations to supplant your outside agency report.
Sort of a commercial agency report, you know, nothing unusual, and it isn't the first time it's been done since your business got so large.
It was clear that the agency reports were reproduced with little editorial input.
One agency report said a new radar system that should have been installed beginning last year might not be ready until 1997.
The victims included women and children, said the agency report, which was monitored in London.