The air traffic control system kept breaking down because the agency had not replaced old equipment.
They want the agency, Associated Blind Inc., to replace the four full-time staff members who were let go in June.
The agency may also replace high-yielding Government notes given to the buyers with securities offering a lower interest rate.
Typically, the agency replaces that estimate with data collected in a survey that it conducts.
In contrast, the agency replaced about 2,100 controllers in the last eight years.
The agency will replace the traditional ink-and-paper method of taking fingerprints with a new technology.
Other funding will help agencies and departments replace and repair property and equipment damaged during the storm.
Worse yet, no computer now available can run the F.A.A.'s current software, so the agency must replace that as well.
The agency will not replace national border guards.
The agency took out the chateau and replaced it with a house in New York State.