The agency has permitted five categories of research with human embryos, all related to human fertility.
But the agency can permit treatments on an experimental basis.
In regulating other cancer hazards, the environmental agency often will permit a risk of no more than one in a million.
Instead of taking official enforcement action, the agency permitted Chiron to fix the problems voluntarily.
The agency permits airlines to sell the slots, and their value has soared in the last year or so.
However, the House report said the agency was already permitting health claims on food labels by not enforcing current laws.
Allowing controllers to retain the 74 percent, as the agency would permit, is "more than fair," she said.
However, the traveler needs to be on the spot to determine exactly where an agency will permit him to drive.
Mr. Miranda said the agency did not permit employees to sell the recovered metal on their own.
Thus, the agency should permit more liberalized trading of unregistered securities among institutional investors.