The agency has missed an opportunity to significantly reduce chances of midair collisions.
Why did the agency miss its deadline?
But environmentalists say the agency is missing the point.
The agency did not issue compliance regulations until 1994 and has already missed the act's 1995 deadline for a one-time report to Congress on campus crime nationwide.
Lacking these data, the agencies would be missing one of the indispensable ingredients of successful management.
"I always say the greatness is even in the drapes here," he added, "and the agency won't miss a beat without me."
And it was only then, in the new home, that the boy disclosed all that the agency had missed during his previous stay.
The same agency, they note, missed signs of Iraq's secret nuclear project in the months before the Persian Gulf war.
As a result, the report said, the agencies missed opportunities that would have "greatly enhanced" the chances of disrupting the terrorist plot.
In other words, were her symptoms so extreme that the agency could not have missed them?