Instead of raising the bar and finding a better testing system, the anti-doping agencies have lowered it.
All three major bond-rating agencies have lowered the state's credit rating, leaving it near the status of junk bonds.
Last week, the agency lowered New York State's ratings.
The agency is not lowering its sights with any great enthusiasm.
After several revisions in the projected number of named storms, both agencies lowered their forecasts by the middle of the season.
Two major credit-rating agencies recently said they were reviewing Pittsburgh and might lower its rating because of its heavy indebtedness.
Since the scandal, Daiwa's fund-raising costs have risen as credit-rating agencies lowered the bank's debt ratings.
Leading agencies lowered their ratings on city debt securities last year.
But under pressure from Grace and other companies, the agency instead adopted a five-million-fiber limit and lowered it only gradually to the current level of 100,000.
The agency estimated the figure at $1.7 billion a year ago but lowered it because collections from bad loans at Continental were higher than expected.