The humanities endowment is the principal federal agency engaged in intellectual scholarship, providing grants in history, philosophy and related disciplines, and some previous chairmen have been sharply ideological.
This guidance reflects the best practices of multiple agencies engaged in monitoring their green purchasing programs.
They are based on widespread field experience of agencies engaged in humanitarian response.
Self Help Development International SHDI is an Irish agency engaged in promoting long term sustainable development projects in Africa.
The fund contends that A.I.G. has in-house agencies engaged in each Starr agency's niche business, only in different regions.
It covers the theory and reality of the interagency process and an analysis of the main agencies engaged in national security.
An agency or person engaged in intercountry adoptions does not necessarily have to apply for accreditation or approval to perform adoption services in Convention adoptions.
Its focus is on providing loans to agencies engaged in planning and building affordable housing.
Currently, some 60 percent of the $70 billion or so Washington is spending this year on science research goes to the Defense Department and other agencies engaged in military research.
What is true is that 15 agencies engaged in intelligence activities require coordination, notably in budgetary allocations, to make sure that all bases are covered.