These agencies first define the safety standards, which they publish in the form of codes.
The same agency has defined it differently through the years.
These agencies, along with academics, would formally define the groups that traffic drugs and study their operations.
But the agency is defining issues of medical practice in dramatic fashion - by jailing doctors who step over the line.
Neither agency defines "young," perhaps because the brain continues to develop until early adulthood, but with each year the potential hazard of mercury is less.
The agencies defined "safety zones" for certain activities that will not be challenged under Federal antitrust law.
Heeding industry concerns, however, the agency defined such commercials narrowly and the shows have faced few problems.
For example, the guide assists auditors in determining how an agency identified and defined its requirements.
Confirm that the agency has defined its informationrequirements for the new information resources.
The agency defines a heat wave as three consecutive days with temperatures of 90 degrees or higher.