Otherwise, the agency can deem the products adulterated and move to order them off the market.
But the agency deemed the plan too politically sensitive, and it was dropped.
A. Our position on that has been to make any improvements that the environmental agencies deem are warranted.
If the agency deems the ad unacceptable, it will ask the advertiser to modify it.
It all depends of course on how dependent the agency deems these "entities" to be on the sovereign involved.
Late last year, the agency deemed the plant to be in full regulatory compliance.
The agency deems Astro low priority, despite its outstanding scientific interest, because it is financially modest.
But one question likely to be raised by Congressional investigators is why the British found problems so soon after the agency had deemed them resolved.
The method, she explained, is that employees make formal applications for grants, and those agencies deemed to offer the most benefit get financing.
A ministry spokesman promised "legal action" - whatever that might mean - against journalists who publish information the agency deemed wrong.