The money can be used to help local police departments and other law-enforcement agencies coordinate their drug-fighting efforts around the state.
The agency has coordinated its activities with city, state and federal departments.
Only 13 agencies had coordinated their services with those of mental health agencies, the survey went on, although 18 others said they planned to do so.
It is critical that donor governments and agencies coordinate to support and encourage our efforts.
Under his plan, a powerful, centralized civilian agency would have coordinated all the intelligence services.
Cooperation with France, by any other government, because the multiple intelligence agencies do not coordinate well with each other.
That request has been granted and national, state, and planetary agencies are coordinating with the city.
This plan provides information about how federal agencies will coordinate their support for local and state officials.
The agency is coordinating the work of 27 Federal organizations and the American Red Cross.
In addition, she said, agencies must coordinate planning of land use, road building, school construction and sewer and water line extensions.