One agency affected is the San Fernando Valley Community Mental Health Center, which provides services to about 4,400 patients a year.
Still, there is much that remains uncertain about the plan, with the legislation itself leaving much to be worked out by the agencies affected.
Mr. Ridge's plan to combine several agencies involved in border enforcement met opposition from almost every agency affected.
Within the agencies potentially affected by the Popper proposal, reaction has been a muted wait-and-see.
Nearly 20 players would have their eligibility for free agency affected by that service.
So far none of the religious foster-care agencies affected by the agreement have said whether they plan to appeal.
This office ties together all the agencies affected by a film crew's presence and gives producers a "one-stop shop."
The agencies affected by this amendment are those that are part of, or contain "an element of," the "intelligence community."
Nor are temporary agencies affected, and this in anticipation of a separate directive specifically concerned with such agencies.
One agency directly affected by the order was the federal Western Area Power Administration, which supplies power to rural cooperatives across the Plains states.