Bypassing the local governments is an age-old practice in Ukraine.
Finally, early voting has upended one of the age-old practices of American politics: getting out the vote.
It has been an age-old practice to drug crying infants.
But some museum directors, collectors and even government officials are not waiting to question their age-old practices.
This age-old practice, which is a form of pruning, is usually learned early on.
The name most probably emanated from an age-old practice by the Ambeere people.
A spokesman for Aon provided a statement saying that the agreements are an age-old and common practice.
But modern technology has also brought a revival of the age-old practice of matchmaking.
On the issue of jobs, the Council appears to have followed the age-old practice: 'If in doubt, create a task force'.
The use of mulch to control weeds, pests and insects is an age-old practice.