It has stirred an age-old argument about what constitutes a sport and has resurrected longstanding stereotypes.
This is a continuing age-old universal argument between decency and the human body.
During much of its 88 minutes, an Orthodox rabbi and a non-religious Jewish poet, fervently carry on the age-old argument about reason versus faith.
Morganna watched the gathering as the discussion moved to county politics, the age-old argument.
Audio: Daniel Mendelsohn on the age-old argument over who wrote the Iliad.
Will fumed, trying to avoid getting caught up in age-old arguments, the same ones that had never been resolved in his youth.
The age-old argument of what's more impressive - the magnificent individual effort or the well-worked team goal?
Aaron struggled for a moment, then fell back on the age-old clinching argument, "But she's a woman!"
Early on, we took a romantic weekend vacation to Florida, wound up lost in our rental car, and soon the age-old argument about directions broke out.
Yet while debate is raging over globalization's costs and benefits, Mr. Mankiw's comments are based on solid, age-old economic arguments.