We have already seen that even within age cohorts women are more likely to experience poverty and low incomes.
So it looks like back to the future or the good old days when only around 9% of the age cohort were admitted to universities.
The background was an expected increase in age cohorts up to 2010.
The age cohort is usually 1 - 6 years.
There is also a great deal of variety between the different age cohorts.
As well, levels of knowledge have been shown to change dramatically within the same age cohort over time.
So if 15% went to Uni in the first place, that's around 1% of the age cohort.
The largest age cohort in the county was 25-29(recent college graduates).
I ran this past another lawyer pal in my age cohort.
The age cohort on spring break is the same as at Woodstock.