Since then, she has been active in political movements and activities against violations of human rights.
When have there been similar protests against "violations of international law and human rights", as was chanted on Thursday, by any other country?
Brokerage firms must police themselves against violations and many do so quite effectively.
That force must be able to act anywhere against violations of international human rights law.
There is now a need for countries to take responsibility for protecting their citizens and companies against violations.
Neither these provisions nor the Commission's communication on them make clear whether they also cover a serious failure to act against violations of human rights.
You have said that the Commission will take action against violations.
The current legal situation allows action to be taken against such violations, although this depends on the case.
And it is the Commission's job to initiate proceedings against violations of the law, where necessary.
Their activities against numerous and systematic violations of human rights are not sufficiently integrated.