Since March 15, there have been 28 attacks against vessels off the southern and eastern coast of Somalia.
If there was an even larger attack against Earth, the Enterprise might need to be used in combat against alien vessels.
There have also been several attacks against private vessels such as yachts.
With some Swedish ships, this squadron patrolled against Russian vessels.
Instead, he set about deploying the submarine fleet against military vessels.
A table of incidents from October to December 2011 shows pirate successes against armed and unarmed vessels.
An enemy grown suddenly, terrifyingly, one hundred percent effective against vessels such as his.
The six inch guns were intended against destroyers and other smaller vessels.
During this period, which began around 1999, the group's attacks against foreign vessels, most especially French, increased.
There are scientific reports on the situation but they very likely cannot be used in law against vessels which have violated the rules.