An earlier study of animals in Britain has shown that another vaccine has given partial protection against rectal transmission.
There is some evidence that these drugs also may protect against transmission.
The placenta functions as a selective maternal-fetal barrier against transmission of microbes.
Whether they were accomplishing the primary purpose it was impossible to tell, because there was such pervasive conditioning against live transmission.
Unless and until a vaccine is proven safe and effective, antiviral medications may offer some protection against transmission.
Vaccines will undoubtedly come as a practical development, and with efficacy against mucosal transmission.
First we hear that the most powerful argument against transmission through casual contact is that health-care workers have not contracted the disease.
It also notes that condoms provide good, but not perfect, protection against transmission of the virus.
Internationally, Colombia secured its eastern border against immigrants and probable transmission of the disease.
Protecting children, though of value, does not protect against transmission, as children with active disease do not usually transmit disease.