He slouched across the handling room, and leaned against the angle of the door to address his colleague in the alleyway.
He and Chang pushed toward it, struggling to stay upright against the sharp angle of the floor.
Gally had not slowed at all, even as Paul was forced to bend almost double against the rising angle of the ground.
Murphy curled his free-kick past the defensive wall but it crashed against the angle of post and crossbar.
His own heart stood still, waiting, watching the lightening slope of meadow snow growing against the angle of pines.
She eased to a more comfortable position against the angle of the ground and schooled herself to wait.
He looked back at her again, shifted his disreputable hat against the angle of the sun.
It was the inside of his wrists that lined against the angle of the bricks.
He held up his right hand and measured his spread fingers against the angle of the sun.
Ash braced his shoulder against the lessening angle of the block.