Unlike traditional housing controversies, the dispute does not pit landlords against tenants.
The law provides for enforcement against tenants who do not comply.
The law also strips judges' power to prevent evictions after final judgments have been made against tenants.
With regards to whether eviction should be used against social tenants, in the most serious cases the answer is absolutely yes.
Landlords at times will turn the tables and use enforcement of codes against tenants.
Several other causes, according to their findings, often lie at the root of violence against tenants.
"It's a war of attrition against tenants who don't have the stomach to fight back," he said.
With the exemption, local housing officials can bypass the administrative process and move directly into court against tenants accused of selling or using drugs.
The number of filings against tenants for nonpayment in the city grew 15 percent from 2000 to 2003, to more than 318,000.
"The result is that the deck is stacked against tenants," she said.