She watched him struggle against speech, and was gratified.
Michael Anderson, a lawyer for the union, said the injunction was an unconstitutional prior restraint against free speech.
In this country it's traditionally been too much in favor of fair trial and against free speech.
Justice Kennedy's majority opinion rejected the university's argument that discrimination against religious speech was required to maintain the separation between church and state.
The fact is he's possibly the most dangerous judge in the world, and he has a powerful animus against free speech.
The institution has the obligation to speak out forcefully against speech that is offensive.
But Kurdish sympathizers called the move an outrage against free speech.
In line with this thinking, several campuses have enacted anti-harassment regulations against certain speech and behavior.
"The decision showed that drug users were entitled to protections against hate-type speech in the press".
The First Amendment protected the students against compelled speech, the lower courts said.