This proposal went against three thousand years of custom and law.
"I didn't believe it possible that in three hours one could make a man turn against fifty-two years of his life!"
He started to fight for freedom in 1847 against British, 10 years before the Indian rebellion of 1857.
Less than a year of grass-roots democracy is up against 56 years of dictatorship.
Set against 40 years of cold war, that is success.
"I have to fight against five and a half years of the mainstream media, particularly local press, telling their side of the story," he said.
For the young, it is an uncompromising revolution against 21 years of Israeli occupation.
Women took longer than men, averaging 7.3 years as against 6.6 years for men.
"But I finally borrowed the money against four future years" harvests of rice!
Look back, see how far up the hill you've come, and then balance one hundred and twenty days against ten years.