The Likud Party and others in the rightist opposition are firmly against separation.
After the slim vote against separation, Canadian and United States markets surged yesterday morning, driving both currencies higher.
However, he, as the most prominent figure in the block against Montenegrin independence, gave passionate speeches against separation.
Mr. Knazko said he saw the federal Parliament's vote last week against separation as a mere "episode" that will not delay the breakup.
The vote was against separation, and that's all I can do.
Most of these groups voted heavily against separation.
But in the end, Mr. Charest's straightforwardness may have cost him support even among people who said they would vote against separation.
With marked earnestness, he marshaled all past argument and reasoning against "premature" separation from Britain.
Police Chief Benoit Gendron voted against separation in 1980, but said that now he is not so sure.