It would not have affected existing laws against sales, other commercial activities, and dangerous behavior.
But it is not enough in the eyes of business interests that are lining up against online sales tax collection.
Like those most urgently in need of cash, he can get a chit against sales at the company store.
In 1956, the company suffered a major loss of $1 million against sales of $46 million.
"Stores were up against unusually strong sales in June last year and couldn't hope to match them, given the recessionary environment," he explained.
Our chosen partner was prepared to offset some of the development costs incurred against future sales.
This is to protect themselves against lost sales.
Opponents of the increase have proposed a bill strengthening enforcement of laws against sales to young people.
New York Life, for example, has created a compliance group of 110 employees to guard against improper sales.
They also note that there are no legal prohibitions against sales of conventional weapons to China.