The Mets' manager, his tolerance at a low, railed against reporters who dared question him after his club lost Tuesday.
The public continues to see the news media in a negative light but now adds bias to its bill of complaints against reporters.
Some of the threats against reporters have included false arrests and death threats.
But many libel lawyers have said the case could have broader implications, emboldening politicians to threaten or bring lawsuits against reporters.
The lobbyists say the case against them is functionally identical to potential cases against reporters.
The taboo against reporters had been lifted in his case.
People who are known to be journalists are denied visas, and the Government increased its guard against reporters even beyond its usual vigilance.
It's just a good thing we got a rule against reporters, or they'd be crawling up our butts like fire ants in Alabama.
Mr. Rumsfeld has declined invitations to play against reporters, as well as to describe his game for this article.
Aggression, intimidation and threats against reporters and media executives have continued as a consequence of the political crisis .