The threat is dependent on the weapons directed against the ship and weapon's performance, such as the range.
You'll also have to measure the charges the plan managers will levy against the plans' performance.
Instead I am accepting one of Brian's shares as security against your performance of your contract.
So I've bumped up against their very significant performance and packet processing limitations myself a lot.
Performance on a given day is measured by the computer against the worker's own normal performance, established earlier.
The odds are stacked against your performance.
"The challenge is to learn how to listen to yourself," Mr. Perlman said, "to compete against your last performance."
Regular reports to the governing body on all areas of performance, benchmarked against other social landlords' performance.
It contends that the compensation of The Times's top executives is too high when measured against the company's performance.
If the teacher was sensitive, he would weigh that against my poor performance on the test.