The older wolf's voice was little more than a broken whisper, but one that grated against his nerves.
However what grated against the pros' nerves that basically just one race was deciding the number one pro for the year.
He giggled, and the sound rubbed against my nerves like ground glass.
The bell chimed again, rasping against Nicholas's already frayed nerves.
The silence seemed to stretch, jarring against her nerves.
A bell chimed harshly above them, jarring against her already taunt nerves.
Even so, their ancientness struck against my nerves.
What began to beat against her nerves was the familiar sound of clocks ticking.
Time seemed to stretch, sawing against her nerves.
Except (here was another thing which infuriated him, that rubbed against his nerves like the sound of the thinny) Roland did not argue.