When you force a man to act against his own choice and judgment, it's his thinking that you want him to suspend.
When you're put into a school against your choice, I guess you don't care.
Angham's father was strongly against his daughter's choice of husband, but the artist married Magdy without her father's approval.
And my sister would never endure to have her marriage made for her in the becoming way, if it went against her choice.
Forget the advice of my staff, which weighs against my choice.
Her parents were against her choice at first but later supported her decision when they saw how dedicated she was towards her goal.
"May I ask why I am being held here against my choice and free will?"
The court must balance convenience against the plaintiff's choice of forum.
Then I cannot by the War Wisdom go against your warrior's choice.
He made no protest against the archbishop's choice of words, however.