Skye steeled herself against his ability to make her feel as if she were the one making the gracious concession.
The need to obtain a targeting solution has to be balanced against the enemy's ability to do the same.
Nor did he believe, as the dogma held, that scarring after heart attacks was evidence against the heart's ability to make new cells.
"So much is being made about their stolen bases against our ability to throw them out," Brenly said.
He has now agreed - orally at least - to substantial safeguards against his ability to manipulate the trials.
In San Francisco, a third strike against reporters' ability to gather the news may be on the way.
"Except that it militated severely against the agents' ability to survive, let alone function in the mission."
But he is thinking long and hard about his career, measuring expectations and demands against his ability to meet them.
The government has increased its defense against bioterrorist attacks and its ability to respond to public health emergencies.
"This is another step in that direction and ultimately against customers' ability to gain access to a broad set of choices."