Also, some of the guards hold things against inmates for years, even though the inmate may be changing for the better.
In addition, he investigated abuses against inmates and employees at the state hospital for the insane.
This was brought because he engaged in physical violence against inmates.
Many gangs were started in state prisons as protection against predatory inmates.
Often transgender prisoners are kept in solitary confinement to protect them against other inmates.
The authorities also agreed to keep prison guards from taking matters into their own hands and retaliating against inmates who surrendered.
Metzger then makes life easy for the Aryans, who begin a violent rampage against other inmates.
"There are too many forces working against inmates in society," Mr. Fleisher said.
During the first nine months of 1987, there was a decline in the number of incidents in which guards used force against inmates.
For a week following the initial strike the camp administration did apparently nothing; they increased perimeter guards but took no forceful action against inmates.