One, for $250, was marked "Retainer, as an advance against fees for professional services."
In very risky cases, protecting consumers against high fees could mean poor representation, or none at all.
He was a major campaigner against top-up fees for universities.
Nor do private plane owners, who have lobbied fiercely against congestion-related fees.
You can't compute the cost of this thing against fees payable at a Sol hospital!
The corporation decided against even higher fees for fear of discouraging airlines from using Inchon as a regional hub.
In July, the Government closed five university campuses in response to student protests against increased fees.
But the crusade against excessive fees could run up against a formidable wall.
I remember the day she died - I was on a demonstration against loans and fees in Cambridge.
Insure against veterinary fees and loss and, of course, third party liability.