This was an excessive step against farmers who were protesting on issues affecting their economic livelihood.
Crime against commercial white farmers is particularly high, and the issue continues to attract significant media attention.
And each of the European leaders is now armed with an international commitment that can be used against politically entrenched farmers at home.
It is estimated that some 50,000 to 172,000 people perished in the campaigns against wealthy farmers and landowners.
Hunting contests across the nation, primarily in Western states, have had environmentalists facing off against farmers and ranchers.
The Swing riots were accompanied by action against local farmers and land owners.
"The policy of stimulating competition against American farmers to try and deal with ailing economies is counterproductive."
Regardless, crime against white farmers receives strong media coverage.
The policy of ethnic cleansing against white farmers continues unabated.
Beyond the politics that pits big agriculture against small farmers, health is driving the sustainable meat market.