Sometimes wives feel it necessary to stand up and defend their husbands against rude fans, Tonia Murrell said.
"There may well be lawsuits with players against fans and fans against players," Stern said.
There is often tight security for the celebrities to protect against potentially fanatic fans.
The brawl in November resulted in suspensions for several players and legal charges against players and fans.
Palladium also routinely threatens legal action against fans who distribute conversions in other venues by issuance of cease and desist orders.
And, against the background of Nike banners waving and fans swooning, is it any wonder that a "real" ballplayer might be concerned?
In the following year, 2013, Léo, however, regrets about his offensive quotes against fans of Corinthians.
He has nothing against the Devils' players or coaches or fans, Muller kept saying, reflecting on his seven seasons with New Jersey.
In the past he has lost control of himself with screaming tirades against officials, fans and the other team.
These ideas are thrown out in overly schmematic choreography against huge and colorful stylized fans.