Israel says it will press ahead with such operations because the Palestinian leadership has not acted against factions responsible for violence.
Some fear that nullification could be used to permit violence against socially unpopular factions.
The Muslim were, in fact, sought as allies by the various Christian factions against other factions.
Suleyman reveals that he himself is working secretly against other factions, some of whom seem to be creating new diseases to wipe out humans.
Their mission as heroes is to defend RaDos against evil factions.
Throughout the game, the player can choose to have Scar side with or against certain factions in the area to help achieve Clear Sky's goal.
Amidst continuing conflicts, a mutiny occurred in 2012 against factions of the military.
The decisions came amid increased calls for party unity and action against factions within the party opposing change.
Those who favored change were often pitted against factions close to Mr. Norman.
In the game you are a drug and weapons smuggler battling against rival factions.