The association has complained about discrimination within the department and has spoken out against police brutality and discriminatory enforcement.
In the early 1600s he was one of the leaders of the protest against strict enforcement of the Penal Laws.
Already, some caviar importers are railing against enforcement of the regulations.
It seeks an injunction against enforcement of the "unwritten policy" under state law as well as return of the fees she paid.
The District Court granted an injunction, against enforcement of the indecency statute.
Western diplomats and business representatives say Thai pirate companies are waging a concerted campaign against enforcement, including threats of violence.
They sought an injunction against enforcement of the ordinance.
The lawsuit seeks to have the government's actions declared unlawful, and an injunction against further enforcement of such "policies and practices," according to the complaint.
The WIN 94.6 has surrendered its license to protest against high enforcement of taxes from a radio channel.
On September 19, 2012, Judge Wilson denied the plaintiffs' request for a preliminary injunction against enforcement of the law.