They promised extra protection against drug dealers who operate there.
The police arrested more than 1,000 people in a weekend offensive against drug dealers and street gangs.
He started a personal fight against drug dealers and small crime.
The play is based on a story of five friends, who take the challenge to fight against the terrorists and drug dealers.
Afterwards Hester began campaigning against drug dealers in the area.
The information gleaned from them is then used to assist other investigators in moving against major drug dealers.
Just three days before his killing, he and local ministers met with the head of the county police to discuss a sweep against drug dealers.
"It does not mean we're going to stop enforcing the law against drug dealers," he said.
British special forces are believed to have been engaged in operations against drug dealers for some time alongside American counterparts.
The people in their building say they have fought many battles against drug dealers without the help of the police.