Terrorist threats against airlines keep coming in "over the transom," says a TV commentator.
The system currently works against new airlines trying to offer service and, perhaps, increase competition that would be good for consumers.
Three states are conducting consumer fraud investigations and at least two lawsuits have been filed against airlines by groups representing passengers as a class.
Managements say more cuts are needed for them to compete against lower-cost airlines.
The agency received 4,335 complaints against domestic airlines in a three-month period during which about 110 million people flew on the carriers.
Passenger complaints against airlines have nearly doubled, too - to 6,582 this year, from 3,681 in 1998.
The provides direct competition against airlines as well as the rail network.
Mr President, if the common position is adopted in this form, it will lead to serious discrimination against airlines at their home airport.
Various passenger rights groups reported the case and encouraged passengers to bring claims against airlines in the event of a delay of over three hours.
The low figure is heightening concerns that many may file lawsuits against airlines and other entities instead.