The afternoon had darkened and she had no doubt that outside the big car's comfortable warmth it was very cold.
The afternoon darkens, and lightning begins to jump from one cloud to another like the ball the team kicks around before the game.
It was still only four o'clock, yet already the afternoon had darkened into early dusk.
As the afternoon darkened, the younger children shivered with cold.
After lunch, as the short afternoon darkens, go out and mingle with the holiday crowds.
It was nearly six o'clock and the cloudy afternoon had darkened into dusk.
The air smelt keener, the afternoons were darkening fast.
He lit a lamp-the afternoon was darkening, or perhaps clouding over now-and they looked at each other.
As the afternoon darkened, she did not turn on lights, allowing the dusk to creep over the room.
Already now the sky was a heavier grey than it had been, as the afternoon darkened towards evening and the clouds thickened for rain.