Work place schools would enable parents to attend parent-teacher meetings and after-school events and even to eat lunch with their children.
They have their own office facilities, and play an active role in all parts of school organisation, including parents' evenings and other after-school events.
The language project is entirely community based and the language is not taught in state schools but at various after-school events, organised camps and trips.
"We need to buy 20 to 30 more units, to cover after-school events and Saturday activities," Ms. LaDue said.
High-school officials are requiring students to undergo Breathalyzer tests at dances, proms, football games, and other after-school events.
We do many after-school events.
On those days that she cannot find a baby sitter, or there are no after-school events, her son comes to the bar and has a soda in the back.
All after-school events were canceled Tuesday, including ceremonies to honor two athletic teams.
Fresh lemonade that contains added sugar will be off-limits at all times, except at after-school and weekend events and fund-raisers, when anything goes.
He was, said Harry, always interested in entertaining fellow students and he was a good dancer, always involved in after-school events.