After salad and wine, our attention wanders to another table where four adults are sitting with two children.
One night, after too much wine, he dragged the boy out of his soft bed and gave him to his men.
He added softly, "I'm not one to go drinking vinegar after wine."
After wine, they went out for dinner, and she began to hope that he liked her.
After food and wine like this, it would be wonderful to finish the meal with some cheese and fruit.
There was a brightness and a quivering aliveness about her, as if after strong wine.
Once, after too much wine, Patrick referred to it as their honeymoon.
After dinner and wine, it's easy for me to sleep a good four to five hours.
She smiled again, more confident after food and wine.
Wine after wine, whether in the cellars or at the dining table, showed extremely well.