"We've heard that you've been asking around after weapons of an exceptionally powerful nature."
Live animals are the fourth largest commodity in the smuggling industry after drugs, diamonds, and weapons.
Its eyes glowed at her with reflection from the fire, as she groped frantically after weapons she no longer held.
After nuclear weapons, the obvious survival question concerns the environment.
Taken together, these activities comprise the third largest form of illegal international trade, after drugs and weapons.
Their early releases, including all tracks on the first album, were named after edged weapons.
They were after the gunpowder and weapons that were kept at the prison.
Trafficking in human beings is, after drugs and weapons, the third largest source of income for organised crime.
Unfortunately, international trafficking in women is the world's third largest grey economy, right after drugs and weapons.
It is said to be the third largest in the world, after drugs and weapons.