After the Jets, Flutie went on to win four of his next five games.
But just two plays after the Jets' first first down of the game, Lucas was picked off.
He was dismissed the week after the Jets lost the American Conference championship his last year.
After the Jets built leads of 17-0, 24-7 and 31-14, Jacksonville kept coming up with big plays to narrow the margin.
Three hours after the Jets saw that, Foreman, at age 45, regained the heavyweight title.
After the Jets drafted Bryan, they took the unusual step of inviting his father for a meeting at the team's headquarters.
He completed 19 of 35 passes for 162 yards and was intercepted twice, both times after the Jets crossed midfield.
Jeff Lageman was looking for life after the Jets.
And he went after the Jets as maybe no other quarterback can.
That desperation drive came after the Jets spread Belichick's defense.