He was also a professor of mathematics at the Zamość Academy built after plans of his father.
Mash social network was created after plans for a merger of Yahoo!
The building was erected in 1780-1786 after plans by architect Johann Schulz.
"And what was to happen after initial plans?"
In many cases, paper railroads were still known as such even after plans to build them may have been canceled.
In the 1980s preservationists pushed for the highway to be restored after plans were revealed that covered the road with asphalt.
In 1952, the chapel was demolished after plans to use it as a community and retreat center and/or museum fell through.
After later plans for a 2005 release, the film was once again suspended indefinitely.
It was built between 1938 and 1950 after plans by Nils Holter.
The No. 1 was built in 1860 after plans by Frédéric Ginioz.