In the former case, however, a "much the more convincing" analysis for a placement outside the Galloanseres was published the year after its description already.
Particular after his recent description of the King's Speech as 'risky cinema'.
After his description I had not expected to see much in the way of buildings.
Only after a family friend's glowing description of architectural education in the United States did the young man decide to shift his course of study.
After his description, it said, "I can't say precisely when I'll be back, but it'll be soon."
In fact it was about a hundred years after its first description as a species that the larvae were discovered to have a parasitoid habit.
The plant was first described by Linnaeus in 1781, 19 years after his description of H. coccineus.
This tendency for future generations to be affected at a higher frequency became known as the Sherman paradox after its description in 1985.
He could not remember doing it, even after her description.
At least, it didn't seem strange now, after Sam's description of Dawn's tantrum.