His office was on the seventieth floor; the garage occupied level after level of subbasement.
The escalators got less and less crowded as she went down level after level.
Along two sides were level after level of balconies.
But there were lights in the windows, level after level of them stretching up and away as far as you could see.
Through the gate Ttan watched as they descended past level after level.
Once inside he was confused by the bustling size of the place, level after level, above and below ground.
Level after level he descended, six in all, to finally stand on the deck of level thirty-four.
Drake saw in them his own folly and stupidity, level after level of it.
Single player: One player completes level after level until their time runs out.
The strange part was that climbing through ierel after level of this huge spacecraft, they saw and heary no one at all.