After inflation, the real increase was 7.8 percent, also the largest gain in a decade.
One recent analysis says they could drop by a third, after inflation, over the next decade.
But education spending increased by 22 percent after inflation during his term.
His real return would be $218.40 or 2.184 percent after tax and inflation on the $10,000.
That would mean a reduction of 8 percent from the 1990 budget, after inflation.
That represents a decrease of more than 40 percent after inflation.
After inflation, the organization reports, a family's average gift to human service organizations fell to $250 last year from $271 four years ago.
Most said business was flat, and after inflation, they had a real drop.
General scientific research, though, would decline by 12.9 percent after inflation.
In the last three months of 2005, compensation fell 0.3 percent after inflation.